In theory, VAT refund is a quite simple procedure, but in practice there are many pitfalls that hinder taxpayers from returning due amounts in full.

We are ready to provide a full range of qualified accounting services on VAT refunds at all stages of interaction with tax authorities - from preparation of documents to resolution of disputes with the tax authorities.

It is now impossible to guarantee fast and 100% result of VAT refunds, since tax authorities tend to shift responsibility in this matter to the courts.

However, we have great experience of interaction with tax authorities on VAT refund issues, therefore positive outcome is highly probable.

Prices for VAT Refund Services:

  • In case of successful VAT refund and reimbursement to taxpayer we charge 20% of the amount of the received compensation;
  • In case of failure to return VAT refund we will charge for preparation of documents, according to our price list.

If VAT refund should be processed through court, you can use our "Representation in Arbitral Courts" service.